Proposed junction changes to Allington Lane, Sandy Lane & Blackberry Drive junctions with Fair Oak Rd

Notification from EBC of proposed changes to Allington Lane, Sandy Lane and Blackberry Drive junctions with Fair Oak Rd.

Any comments must be made to EBC by 15th Sept 2021.

More information can be found under the ‘Documents’ tab of planning application O/20/89498.

Fair Oak Road-Allington Lane-Sandy Lane Proposed Improvements.pdf (717.5 KB)

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I live at 21 Rosehip Close and am directly affected by the proposed changes and wish to formally object.

If I have understood the plan correctly there will be limited right turn opportunity out/in of the estate due to the broken chevrons. May I also suggest you try to simulate the experience that residents will face by looking at access to Stokewood surgery which also benefits from the pedestrian crossing stopping traffic, bearing in mind that traffic flow is much greater out/in of the estate compared with the doctors and is more concentrated at peak times.

I would support a left hand only turn out / in of the estate at the proposed location with a no left hand turn out at the existing junction enabling traffic that is turning right out of Sandy lane more opportunity to cross.

Clearly the junctions need to be synchronised, SCOOT, at peak times through the ped, blackberry drive and Allington Lane would make a lot of sense, with MOVA At off peak times.

In summary a poorly thought out proposal by consultants with limited local knowledge . As a traffic management professional may I suggest a second opinion.

Dave Pregon
Senior Product Manager
Siemens Mobility, Intelligent Traffic Systems


Hi @David_Pregon,

Thank you for commenting on my post; I agree it’ll be a nightmare to get from Blackberry Drive to Sandy Lane, verging on the impossible at rush hour! Just in case you haven’t formally objected to EBC yet, it might be worth completing this form on their website: