Planning inspector publishes initial questions on Eastleigh’s Local Plan – and there are a lot!

Re-post here of ADD’s post in the hope mobile users can see it! :slight_smile:

Planning inspector publishes initial questions on Eastleigh’s Local Plan – and there are a lot!


ADD UPDATE, 30 September 2019: Last week, Christa Masters, the Planning Inspector for Eastleigh’s Local Plan, published her initial questions regarding Eastleigh’s proposed plan – her so-called ‘Schedule of Matters and Issues for the Examination’. And she has a lot of questions – more than 220 of them! Ms Masters’ examination will be held at the Botleigh Grange Hotel in Hedge End, starting on Thursday 21 November and running for six weeks. Her initial questions are grouped under six headings, as follows:

  1. Legal and Procedural requirements
  2. Vision and Objectives, the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment
  3. Strategic Policies, Spatial Strategy and distribution of development
  4. Meeting housing need, the housing requirement, housing land supply, five year supply and affordable housing
  5. Strategic growth option (Options B and C)
  6. Transport, Infrastructure and Delivery
  7. General housing matters
  8. Countryside and Green Infrastructure
  9. Gypsies and travellers, Nature conservation, recreation and open space and heritage
  10. Meeting employment need and the rural economy
  11. Community facilities, retail development
  12. Climate change, flood risk and pollution
  13. Site Allocations within the Parishes

To read Ms Master’s questions, please click here. For the dates of the particular hearing sessions, please click here.

ADD continues to work hard to prepare for the examination, bringing together the advice of our planning, environmental, traffic and legal advisers into forceful arguments against the Strategic Growth Option (5,500 new houses north of Fair Oak and Bishopstoke), which Eastleigh Borough Council – against public opinion and much advice – wants to put on the borough’s last remaining open countryside, far from public transport infrastructure.

We look forward to presenting these arguments, alongside our many allies and supporters, in a couple of months’ time.


The Planning Inspector’s questions came in an email from the Programme Officer’s last Tuesday, 24 September. To read this email, see below:

Programme Officer: Louise St John Howe
PO Services, PO Box 10965,
Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 3BY,
email: [email protected]:
Tel: 07789-48641

Good Afternoon,

Following my email of 19 August 2019 notifying you of the dates for the Hearing Sessions of the Eastleigh Local Plan Examination, I am now writing to give you further details concerning the Hearing sessions.

Please find attached the following documents, which can also be accessed via the link

ED41 Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions

ED42 Draft Hearing Sessions Programme – Please note that there are alterations to some of the hearing session dates set out in my earlier email.

ED43 Inspector’s Guidance Notes V.3 Please note the new deadline for hearing statements for Matters 7-14

The Inspector’s Guidance Notes set out the procedures which will be followed during the Examination, including full details on the provision of hearing statements (paras 14-19) and participation at the hearing sessions (paras 22-24)

Hearing Statements (both hard copies and electronic copies)

  • Deadline for Hearing Statements Matters 1-6 inclusive (both hard and electronic copies) to be received by the Programme Officer: 5.00 pm on Friday 18 October.
  • Deadline for Hearing Statements Matters 7-14 inclusive (both hard and electronic copies) to be received by the Programme Officer: 5.00 pm on Friday 22 November.

The Council have prepared schedules of the Representations received on the submission version of the Local Plan together and Eastleigh Borough Council responses. These documents are posted in the Examination Documents with the following references, and can be accessed via the link below:-

ED40A Legal and Soundness
ED40B Strategic Policies
ED40C Site Allocations
ED40D Development Management Policies
ED40E Other Comments
ED40F Site Notices Consultation

The Council’s proposed Modifications to the Local Plan can be viewed in the Examination Documents and have the reference numbers ED32 and ED34. Please look at these documents before preparing your hearing statements as you will be able to see if the Council is proposing modification(s) which would address the objection(s) raised in your Representation on the submission version of the Local Plan.

Participation at the Hearing sessions

A reminder that the deadline for notifying me if you would like to take part in the hearing sessions is 5.00 pm on Friday 11 October.

Please get in touch with me by phone or email if you have any queries about the Examination or would like further clarification on any of the details in this letter.

Kind regards,


Louise St John Howe
Programme Officer,
PO Services, PO Box 10965,
Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 3BF
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07789-486419

