May 2021 Lib Dem Leaflet (Nick Couldrey & Mike Thornton)

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Nick Couldrey
Mike Thornton
Thursday 6th May 2021 - Eastleigh & Hampshire Council Elections
Nick and Mike get things done!

Thursday’s election will decide who speaks up for Fair Oak at Eastleigh and Hampshire.

The Lib Dems have reduced Eastleigh’s council tax in real terms every year for 18 years, protected services and keep in touch all year round.

The Lib Dems agreed a Local Plan that takes traffic away from the centre of Fair Oak and stands up to pressure from big builders to concrete over green gaps between our local areas, yet still builds the homes [SIC]goverment require

The Conservatives have no Plan, would put our countryside at risk and hike up Council Tax.

Nick Couldrey and Mike Thornton need YOUR support in Thursday’s election to keep up their work for Fair Oak. Too good to lose!

Conservative CUTS!

Nick Couldrey and the Lib Dems are saving Fair Oak Library after the Conservative-led County forced its closure.

Mike Thornton has worked to save recycling centres from closure and Conservative charging plans.

The Lib Dems are on YOUR side, fighting for local people AND getting results!

3 things to remember about these elections

  1. Only the Liberal Democrats can beat the Tories across Eastleigh and Hampshire. Labour cannot win here

  2. The Conservatives have axed vital services at Hampshire – but stash YOUR tax in the County bank – they don’t deserve to win!

  3. Only the Liberal Democrats stand up for Fair Oak all year, every year and keep in touch all yeah round.

Who is best placed to stand up for our area?

Nick Couldrey and Mike Thornton have a proven record standing up for Fair Oak. You see them all year round, every year. And ONLY the Lib Dems keep in touch with you throughout the year - we only see the Conservatives when they want your votes!

The winning choice for Eastleigh again - NICK COULDREY
The winning choice for Hampshire again - MIKE THORNTON

Published & promoted by A. Winstanley on behalf of M. Thornton, N. Couldrey and the Liberal Democrats, and printed by IVPS, all c/o 107 Leigh Road, Eastleigh.

Action for the Lib Dem Team from Fair Oak!

Tory NHS Failure
Underinvestment in GP services for years from the Government means we STILL do not have enough doctors to meet the needs of our ageing population. Lib Dems have called for new investment in our local NHS before delays get worse.

Getting the best deal for our area
Nick Couldrey and the Lib Dem team on the Borough Council have held developers to account on community [SIC]instrastructure.
All councils have to meet nationally imposed targets. But unlike the Conservatives, the Lib Dems are getting infrastructure first - like at Horton Heath.
The Conservatives have NO plan for our area and would risk more and more planning appeals with developers running rough-shod over our area.

Saving and planting Trees
Nick and the Lib Dems back criminal prosecutions against developers that destroy local trees - and we’ll plant 160,000 new trees around our Borough!

Better Play
The Lib Dem Borough Council has funded new and improved play areas, public open spaces and parks. That’s in addition to Places Leisure at Eastleigh. Most councils are cutting local services - but not Eastleigh!

A record of ACTION

  • Supporting our community through Covid
  • Library being saved after Conservative Closure
  • New link road to take traffic away from Burnetts Lane
  • funding for Botley Road crossing (if Hampshire allows it!)
  • Plan for Community Cafe at New Century Park
  • Active Parish Council with parks, open spaces and allotments
  • Improvements for Y-zone youth activity
  • 13 acres of new parkland with 1,000 trees for Allington Lane
  • 30mph speed limit throughout the whole of our villages
  • Campaign for safe crossings at the Caravan Park and on Mortimers Lane
  • Land saved for GP surgery extension
    and a promise of more!

Richard Murphy
for Police & Crime Commissioner
The Conservatives have failed on crime
Only Richard Murphy can beat the Conservatives across Hampshire

Make YOUR Vote Count!
In the election for our next Police & Crime Commissioner, all the signs are of a close race between Conservatives, who have failed on crime, and local Lib Dem safety campaigner Richard Murphy.
To make YOUR vote count to defeat the Conservatives here, use your FIRST vote in the box on the left for Richard Murphy.

Three things to remember here -

  • Richard will fight for fairer funding in Hampshire
  • Richard will make our police more visible here
  • ONLY Richard Murphy can beat the Conservative

Published and promoted by M. Tod on behalf of R. Murphy (Liberal Democrats),
all at 9 City Business Centre, Hyde Street, Winchester, SO23 7TA

OMG another one! Which forest was erased for this election?

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2 spelling mistakes in it as well - not that I’m a pedant!! :joy: