Local Authority Housing Developments debate in Parliament

Guessing this will be about One Horton Heath. Just in time for the local elections…

Planning (Local Authority Housing Developments) – Paul Holmes. Ten
Minute Rule Motion

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Interesting, adding more detail for those that won’t click the link or help peoples searches. Definitely looks one Horton Heath and lack of planning oversight at the council related. Look forward to this one!

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Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Commons: Main Chamber

  • Planning (Local Authority Housing Developments) – Paul Holmes Ten Minute Rule Motion
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It looks like there is already something around exactly this situation in the current planning rules so it’ll be interesting to hear if he comes up with anything useful. My guess is it’ll be similar to his usual “will the PM agree with me that the Eastleigh Lib Dem Council are terrible” party political nonsense.

It’s not a debate though James or a question. It’s a Bill. I’d wait to see the detail before judging.


“Most Ten Minute Rule introductions are instead used to stimulate publicity for a cause”

I guess there’s a small chance it will get through Parliament but I’m not optimistic. It would be nice if it’s more constructive than some of his contributions in Parliament anyway. Waiting to see the detail eagerly.

Don’t know where your quote is from but the parliament website is probably a better source of information.

Edit: I screengrabbed but that just creates a link so here is the actual link - https://www.parliament.uk/site-information/glossary/ten-minute-rule-bill/

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The quote was from the Ten Minute Rule Wikipedia article. (The UK Parliament description is great but pretty high level.)

Apparently over 60 have received Royal Assent since 1945, so it’s certainly possible. There seem to be over 70 already in this Parliament though, so the odds are stacked against him.

Is the full text of Paul’s Bill available or will we have to wait until May, or later?

Fingers crossed they dont mess it up as much as they have north Stoneham park


In case anyone wondered what happened to the Planning (Local Authority Housing Developments) Bill…

The Bill failed to complete its passage through Parliament before the end of the session. This means the Bill will make no further progress.

Pity, although not that surprising.


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Boo, that’s a shame, thanks for the update though!

Why didn’t it complete though, that’s rubbish!

Presumably just lack of time. The government control the timetable and there is very rarely enough time in the schedule for Bills like this to get all the way to completion.

They seem to be just a way to test the waters and perhaps get some support/publicity for issues, which could end up being included in other legislation. Paul was proposing to make planning law even more complex than it already is though, whereas the government seem keen to make it easier to get planning permission, so possibly that could be the end of the road for this one.